v 1.4.5 update

v 1.4.5 contanse lots of bug fixes like opening any menu an infinite amount of times witch would brake the game now it will only open one time 

i fixed some bugs with gathering recourses

added clay past to the inventory because it was missing 

fixed some bugs with going i and out of build mode and made it visible to the player that you went in or out of it  

fixed bugs with switching from the inventory to build mode 

currently adding walls for building houses

made it take longer to farm carrots.

i still need to fix the head so you can freeze to death again at night and the heat changes at night 

a future addition i am going to work on is sectional worlds. 

were when you got to the end on one another section would be generated

i do not know how i would save other sections unless i limited it to five sections or four.  

and i might make different world types but that is far in the future because i would basically have to remake the whole game for each different world type

i am going to add mega sized worlds were the world is 255 by 255 tiles compared to the 150 by 150 of large worlds

my main focuse right now is going to be adding to building tiles for your base 

sorry acsedentay forgot to updat the game


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